Tell Morningstar Consumer Affairs to Ditch the Egg and Dairy

Have you ever been frustrated that Morningstar Farms’ products are vegetarian, but not vegan?

You can help change that in less than a minute with the click of a button!

We’ve pre-written an email to Morningstar’s Consumer Affairs department. All you need to do is sign the email and boom—Morningstar Farms will hear from yet another customer wanting them to ditch the eggs and dairy in their Garden Veggie Burger—and hopefully their other products!

Thousands of people have already signed the petition, calling on them to make this burger vegan. Sending this email will make sure they continue to hear important feedback from their customers.

Take less than a minute to help get Morningstar Farms to ditch the small amount of eggs and dairy in their Garden Veggie Burger!


One thought on “Tell Morningstar Consumer Affairs to Ditch the Egg and Dairy

  1. What is the point of a veggie burger that still contributes to the death and suffering of cows and chickens while simultaneously adding to the cancer and heart disease chances of the people that eat it? Please ditch the animal secretions and go full-vegan with all your products and I might consider purchasing them again. Using exclusively regenerative organic ingredients as well would secure my business for life. Thanks!

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