Today Only – Triple Your Impact for Animals!


This past month, a handful of generous donors have matched your contributions dollar-for-dollar, doubling your impact for the animals. On this day, December 17, 2014, one of those donors has stepped up to TRIPLE your impact!

Sign up today for a new monthly recurring donation to Vegan Outreach, and the first month’s donation will be tripled thanks to a generous donor! Through our secure online payment system, you can sign up to give $10, $20, or more each month, and your donations will be processed automatically so you can give to VO all year long without hassle! Sign up today, and your first donation – for December – will be tripled!

Giving monthly donations is easy, and today only, it will TRIPLE your impact for animals!

Thank you to those who are already giving! All one-time donations given today through December 31 will continued to be doubled.

John Sakars and Alex Greenwood: Fall 2014

John Sakars and Alex Greenwood are two of the Adopt a College program’s most dedicated volunteers. This semester alone, John has leafleted 11 different campuses, directly handing Vegan Outreach booklets to more than 17,000 students! And Alex has been to 7 different schools this fall, directly handing VO booklets to over 11,000 students!

John Sakars at the University of Toronto

John (above) and Alex (below) reached 2,050 students at the University of Toronto on 9/25/14. Alex reports: “John met a student who said she already had a leaflet and that is the reason she went vegetarian.”

The following Monday, they returned to the campus and reached another 1,250 students:

I had many conversations with students about how to help the animals. At first, one woman told me she’d be okay with eating meat if the animals were treated better. However, after I said there’s no such thing as “humane meat,” she looked through the leaflet and began to cry. She talked about how much she loves animals. I told her it was wonderful to see her crying, because it means she feels empathy and that’s awesome. She took a Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating. I think our conversation, and the leaflets, changed her life.

—John Sakars, 9/29/14

Alex Greenwood at the University of Toronto

Through December 31, your donation to Vegan Outreach will change twice as many lives: Click here to receive dollar-for-dollar matching today!

9 Holiday Gifts for the Veg Child

By Toni Okamoto

Looking for the perfect gift for the veg kid in your life? Look no further, we’ve got you covered!

That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals by Ruby Roth


“That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals uses colorful artwork and lively text to introduce vegetarianism and veganism to early readers (ages six to ten). Written and illustrated by Ruby Roth, the book features an endearing animal cast of pigs, turkeys, cows, quail, turtles, and dolphins. These creatures are shown in both their natural state—rooting around, bonding, nuzzling, cuddling, grooming one another, and charming each other with their family instincts and rituals—and in the terrible conditions of the factory farm.”

Fur and Feathers Board Game


“Fur & Feathers is a board game that teaches children about the importance of being kind to animals (and how our daily choices affect them), without being preachy or negative. Kids get to adopt animals from shelters, answer animal fact questions, and order cruelty-free foods at cafes. The first player to rescue 1 of each of all 5 animals wins the game.”

Good Luck Elephant Tee from Herbivore Clothing


Kidlicious by Stephanie & Anneliese Howard


“The first completely plant-based cookbook designed to get kids excited about eating healthy. Kidlicious has covers Breakfast through dessert, fun and healthy recipes to get the whole family cooking together!”

Vegan Allergy Wristband 


“Allermates has the solution – their new “Captain V” Vegan Wristband is a fun and simple way to make it easily known that your child does not eat animal products, making it much easier for teachers and caregivers to always know about dietary restrictions that need to be adhered to.  It’s also fun for kids with the bright green band and Captain V on the front, giving them something fun to wear while also bringing awareness to their lifestyle.  Band fits most children from ages 2 up, and has three adjustable snaps for varying wrist sizes.  Latex-free band with nickel-free snaps is allergen-safe, and product quality meets and exceeds both US and European safety standards.”

Chicken Run


“A comedy drama set on a Yorkshire chicken farm in 1950s England, the story follows the turbulent romance between Rocky the Rooster and Ginger the chicken, both of whom yearn for freedom and are planning a daring “prisoner of war” style escape. Both chickens are tired of being repressed and know they face an eventual certain death, so in planning their escape, they rally with their fellow chickens.”

Soy Based Crayon Rocks


“Sixty-four (64) Non-toxic, all natural soy wax crayons in 16 colors: red, green, blue, egg yolk yellow, black, brown, orange, purple, pink, grass green, sky blue, sunshine yellow, gray, tan, peach.”

Rhino Shirt


Dave Loves Chickens by Carlos Patino


“Dave Loves Chickens is the first in a series of books for young children examining the unique characteristics of animals and questioning why people eat them. The main character of the book, Dave, is a quirky monster from another planet who knows all sorts of fun and interesting facts about animals. Dave simply loves animals on Earth and encourages others to appreciate them and not eat them! This fun, lighthearted book, full of bold colors and friendly illustrations, is ideal for parents who would like to introduce their children to a more compassionate way of treating animals.”


Andy MacKenzie: Fall 2014

Andy MacKenzie is one of the Adopt a College program’s most dedicated volunteers. He’s leafleted 22 different campuses this semester, directly handing Vegan Outreach booklets to more than 17,000 students!

Below is Andy with Hector, a Mt. San Antonio College student who now wants to go vegan!

Andy MacKenzie and Hector at Mt. SAC

Absolutely phenomenal day at Fullerton College. I would do it for free. I gave two fairly long impromptu speeches to a group of nine at first, and then another five. They were really special interactions, and made my month. The first group was just beyond great. I loved these kids.

Andy was great as usual. He saved a woman who was getting beaten last night, and today was a rock. Also he’s constantly picking up trash; and after volunteering, he bikes to cook for Food Not Bombs, four days a week.

One student came back to Andy and asked for 10 booklets to show friends and family. Another came back to ask for literature to show classmates. Andy gave a Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating to a man with protein questions.

We saw a good amount of readers and met really great kids today. I feel we had an impact on many, and hopefully many more that we never got to speak with.

—Vic Sjodin, 11/11/14

Make a special, year-end contribution for the animals by December 31 and receive dollar-for-dollar matching! All donations to Vegan Outreach are fully tax-deductible.

Joe Espinosa: Fall 2014

Joe Espinosa is this semester’s most prolific Adopt a College volunteer. He’s traveled to 13 different schools this fall, directly handing Vegan Outreach booklets to more than 17,000 students!

Joe Espinosa at DePaul

Despite his full-time job as a social worker, Joe has consistently put in long hours on his days off in order to inform people of the plight of farmed animals. Earlier this month, Joe spent 7 continuous hours (his record is 14 hours straight!) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, handing out 666 Even If You Like Meat booklets:

My third run at this school for the semester yielded about what it always does, about 100 booklets per hour. I heard from 4 vegans and 10 vegetarians. Early on I spoke with a student who stated that she does not eat beef and pork. I delivered the tough news that due to their smaller size, birds suffer in the highest numbers (and intensity), so dropping chicken and turkey flesh was a very impactful move to spare animals from suffering. She got a Guide to Cruelty-Free Eating.

—Joe Espinosa, 12/2/14

Through December 31, Your Donation to VO = 2x More Booklets = 2x More Vegans = 2x More Animals Spared!

Kassy Ortega: Fall 2014

Kassy Ortega, VO’s Washington, DC Outreach Coordinator, has leafleted 45 different schools this semester, handing out over 34,000 Vegan Outreach booklets!

Mia Amado and Kassy Ortega at GMU

Above are Mia Amado and Kassy with the George Mason University mascot. Mia, a vegetarian freshman, was inspired to join in when she saw Dave Mosick and Kassy leafleting her school; and she’s now interested in starting an animal advocacy club on campus!

I had two great conversations at Millersville University: one with a student, Hailey, an understandably “angry vegan,” and one with another student who was excited to get the booklet and wants to go veg! I explained to Hailey why it’s so important for animals that we remain positive and advocate for animals, despite our unfortunate circumstances. I told her to remain hopeful – that if someone like her in Central PA can go vegan, so can other students at her school – and that she should be a positive activist (no one wants to join / listen to a group of negative people). My other conversation was with a non-veg student [below] who came up and told me he was inspired and now wants to start cutting meat from his diet. (See, Hailey! Hope!)

—Kassy Ortega, 10/9/14

Student at Millersville

Inspire more students to go veg: Give to Vegan Outreach by December 31 and your donation will get VO booklets into the hands of twice as many young people!

Oakland Bans the Bullhook!

bullhook meme

Guest Post by Shani Campbell

In a victory for elephants forced to perform in circuses in Oakland, the City Council voted to ban the bullhook, after four hours of debate that lasted into the wee hours of the night. A bullhook is a weapon resembling a fireplace poker that is used to train elephants through brutality, pain and fear. The main opposition to the bill, not surprisingly, was Feld Entertainment, Inc. parent company of Ringling Brothers Circus. The Teamsters also made an appearance voicing their fear of job loss. A presentation was given showing numerous undercover videos of elephants being brutally beaten with bullhooks, including undercover video of Ringling handlers abusing their elephants taken by PETA in 2009. One of the most damning pieces of evidence was a video taken by local activist Deniz Bolbol, where a young elephant named Angelica was beaten by a Ringling Brothers handler while chained by two legs at the Oakland arena.

The bullhook ban will go into effect September 2017, which will allow Ringling Brothers to perform through 2017, as their usual tour through Oakland is in August. Ringling Brothers has stated that without the use of the bullhook, they cannot bring their elephants for performances. In a last ditch bullying tactic, Feld Entertainment threatened to pull all of their shows, i.e. Disney on Ice, Monster Truck, Motocross, etc. from the Oakland arena. With the help of councilwoman Rebecca Kaplan a deal was struck with the Unions to include a phase-out period in the ordinance, enabling the arena to properly prepare for the loss of money.

Local and longtime animal advocates Pat Cuviello and Deniz Bolbol spearheaded this ordinance with the support of the Oakland Zoo, East Bay SPCA, PAWS, PETA, HSUS and the Los Angeles activist who spearheaded the ban in Los Angeles. Oakland City Council Member Noel Gallo sponsored the ordinance and Council Member Dan Kalb signed on as a co-sponsor. City Hall was packed with concerned citizens and animal advocates. Damning testimony given by many representatives of organizations including PAWS, the Oakland Zoo, East Bay SPCA, ALDF and PETA was met with roaring applause.

Council Members Larry Reid and Desley Brooks voted against the ban and Council Member Lynette Gibson McElhaney abstained which is essentially a “no” vote.  Council Member McElhaney was very clear with her opposition on the ordinance, as she recalled Ringling employees to the podium to give them more time to try and defend themselves and continued to ignore the clear evidence of abuse from the undercover videos played. A few arena employees spoke during public comment voicing their concern of loss hours while Ringling brought a few employees to comment.

Both current mayor Jean Quan and future mayor Libby Schaaf stated that the use of animals in circuses for entertainment needs to be a thing of the past and this ban is certainly a great first step. Remember, we still need animal advocates to come out to protest Ringling Brothers circus every summer to educate the public about the severe abuse of animals used by circuses. Let this decision be the first of many cities, that slowly but surely put an end to the exploitation of animals for entertainment. Ringling Brothers has stated that it will continue to fight the Oakland bullhook ordinance and we will be there at every step and battle. We must continue to fight for justice and compassion, and our voices will be heard while old cruel traditions will continue to die.

Rachel Black: Fall 2014

VO Outreach Coordinator Rachel Black has traveled to 68 different schools this semester, handing out more than 44,000 Vegan Outreach booklets!

Below is Rachel (center) with volunteers Morgan Householder (left) and Jennifer Loughnane (right) at Ohio State University, where they reached more than 1,100 students last month!

Morgan Householder, Rachel Black, and Jennifer Loughnane at OSU

At Bowling Green State University, Rachel got Your Choice booklets into the hands of 1,245 people:

I spoke to a middle-aged man today for a long time and by the end of the conversation he said he was going to try vegan seriously. He asked me what to buy at the grocery store, and I told him where he could find great days worth of meal plans online. He seemed excited and confident to live more responsibly.

—Rachel Black, 11/5/14

Now your contribution to Vegan Outreach will create twice as many new vegans: Give to VO by December 31 and double the impact of your donation!

Jose Elias: Fall 2014

VO Outreach Coordinator Jose Elias has traveled to 68 different schools this semester, handing out more than 50,000 Vegan Outreach booklets!

Jose Elias at BHSU

At Spokane Falls Community College, Jose had help from two on-the-spot volunteers, and together they were able to reach 1,100 students with Even If You Like Meat booklets:

I met Autumn Schmidt [below] and Mohammed while leafleting this morning. Autumn has been a vegetarian for some time now and is ready to start an environmental group on campus that focuses on factory farming! Mohammed (who’s actually not a veghead but thinks animals deserve better) helped me kill it today. Hopefully with this little stint of activism, Mohammed will reconsider his diet!

—Jose Elias, 10/13/14

Autumn Schmidt at SFCC

Create more vegetarians, and more veg activists: Have your year-end donation to Vegan Outreach doubled today!

Steve Erlsten: Fall 2014

Steve Erlsten is VO’s Northern California Outreach Coordinator and this semester’s most prolific Adopt a College leafleter: So far he’s been to over 100 different campuses, directly handing Vegan Outreach booklets to more than 86,000 students!

Group at Sac State
Above: Gia, Steve, and Jan at Sac State.

Last month, Steve teamed with Ron Good, Gia and Camilla Kendall, and Jan Weeks to leaflet Sacramento State. Together they handed out more than 3,350 VO booklets in a single day; as Steve reports: “We blew away the old record of 2,400! I had no idea what I was in for with this leafleting team!”

Gia at Sac State

It was a gorgeous day and such an honor to leaflet with Steve Erlsten, one of Vegan Outreach’s finest. The leafleting location was perfect, with lots of students passing by, to and from classes. It was such a great feeling having so many people take the leaflets and then to see them sitting nearby reading them. Also, quite a number of people refused the leaflets by saying, “I’m already vegan” or “Thank you for doing this.” Very rewarding! I’ll leaflet again with Steve in a heartbeat!

—Jan Weeks, 11/4/14

Be a part of VO’s Adopt a College program: Make a donation to Vegan Outreach by December 31 and receive dollar-for-dollar matching on your contribution!