The Chocolate Mousse That Changed the World

By Lisa Rimmert, VO Director of Development

Chocolate Mousse

As someone who communicates with VO donors daily, I’m inspired over and over by their generosity. Today, I’m also inspired by their cooking skills!

Becky Rose, a wonderful donor, mentor, and leafleter in Oregon, was gracious enough to send me her recipe for vegan chocolate mousse to share with all of you. In true Becky fashion, this recipe is straightforward, not too difficult, and utterly fantastic!

You can experiment with the amounts of basil and orange, to your liking. And Becky says this recipe is a crowd-pleaser, and I can attest to that! I made it earlier this week and it’s delicious! Becky prepares the mousse to share at potlucks, family gatherings, and work events. If you do too, be sure to bring copies of the recipe with you, because everyone will ask for it! Enjoy!

The Chocolate Mousse That Changed the World

Yields 4 servings.


  • 1 can (14 oz) coconut milk
  • 5 oz high-quality bittersweet chocolate (bars or chips)
  • 2 tablespoons agave
  • ½ cup fresh basil, coarsely torn or chopped
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon grated orange zest
  • ¼ teaspoon crushed black peppercorns


  1. Heat the coconut milk in a pan on the stove until it’s just about to boil.
  2. While the coconut milk is heating up, coarsely chop the chocolate bar(s) and put it in a blender (or just open your bag of chocolate chips and dump them in).
  3. When the coconut milk is hot, pour over the chocolate in the blender. Add the remaining ingredients and carefully blend until smooth and creamy.
  4. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve to catch the big pieces of orange rind, pepper, and basil.
  5. Put in a bowl or individual dishes and refrigerate for a couple hours until set.

This recipe was adapted from one in Alan Roettinger’s cookbook, Speed Vegan.

The Dairy Detox Program

By Lori Stultz, VO Rocky Mountain Outreach Coordinator

Whether you’re already vegan or you’re making a conscious effort to leave animal products off your plate, we all know the struggle of removing cheese from our diet once we’ve decided to help animals.

Personally, I’ve witnessed quite a few people in my life leave meat and eggs behind, but continue to consume cheese. Most of my friends and family members claim it’s impossible, and, guess what, I get it.

Cheese is such a common food product in our culture, and we’re introduced to it very early in life—who doesn’t remember eating string cheese for a snack and grilled cheese for lunch?

For those of you who’ve not yet eliminated cheese from your diet, or for those of you who are helping family members and friends remove cheese from their diets, you’re going to want to keep reading because we’ve got a pretty special announcement.

Michelle Cehn, Vegan Outreach’s Social Media Manager and founder of World of Vegan, has teamed up with Allison Rivers Samson, an award-winning vegan chef, cookbook author, and wellness coach, and they’ve designed an awesome program to help cheese lovers ditch it for good!

From the creators—

The Dairy Detox is packed with friendly and engaging daily videos, a collection of delicious dairy-free recipes, a private online community, and all the resources needed to take anyone from beginner-to-pro in just 12 days.

Our goal is to inspire wellness and compassion. We’re taking an approach we’ve never seen done before by speaking specifically to one issue that we think is the lynchpin to vegan living: dairy. We want to bring people into the vegan funnel by addressing the most difficult obstacle—cheese.

Registration is open now for our first session on November 1. After the first session, The Dairy Detox will be offered on the 1st of every month.

Pretty cool, right? Now get yourself on over to The Daily Detox website for more details about the program along with registration information.

Feedspot’s Vegan Blog Top 100

Vegan Top 10 Metal

With the wide variety of vegan blogs out there, Vegan Outreach is truly humbled to be ranked in the Top 10 of Feedspot’s Vegan Blog Top 100 List.

We’re happy that our blog can be a resource for anyone looking to reduce the number of animals killed for food. We do our best to make sure our readers are never short on uplifting stories, recent vegan-related news, fun interviews, and, of course, yummy recipes.

Feedspot ranks vegan blogs based on Google reputation and Google search ranking, influence and popularity on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, quality and consistency of posts, and Feedspot’s editorial team and expert review.

Thank you and happy reading!

Something You Didn’t Know about St. Louis

By Lisa Rimmert, VO Director of Development

VO table

I’m from St. Louis, MO, and there’s something you should know about it that you might not.

It may be in the middle of farm country, but it’s home to many wonderful people who care about farmed animals!

I visit the Gateway City a few times a year, but my most recent trip, the weekend of September 25, was quite special. I picked up VO Campaigns Manager Taylor Radig, and we left Denver, CO to drive twelve hours east for a much-anticipated fundraising event in St. Louis.

Taylor and Lisa
VO’s Taylor Radig and Lisa Rimmert

We’d been planning the event for a while, and we were a little nervous. We know fundraising events work on the coasts, but would St. Louis come through?

The answer was a resounding yes! We met and enjoyed the company of dozens of compassionate animal advocates. Together, they donated more than $8,000 to make more outreach happen.

In other words, St. Louis rocks!

This fundraiser was the brainchild of wonderful VO donor and St. Louis celebrity, Amy Dubman. Amy and her brother Brook own Carol House Furniture, and they use the business in many ways to help animals.

They advocate for animals in their furniture commercials, they helped open a low-cost spay and neuter clinic, and now, they threw an incredible party and matched the donations given by attendees! A huge thank you, Brook and Amy!

Attendees enjoyed a delicious menu, complete with vegan meats from MATCH Meats, a St. Louis-based company. I told you St. Louis rocks!

Event Host Amy Dubman Speaking to the Attendees
Event Host Amy Dubman Speaking to the Attendees
Asian Chicken Meatballs, and Sliders with MATCH Meats
Asian Chicken Meatballs, and Sliders with MATCH Meats
Southwestern Tortilla Cups and Spring Rolls with Sweet Chili Sauce
Southwestern Tortilla Cups and Spring Rolls with Sweet Chili Sauce

At the event, we had the pleasure of honoring VO President Steve Ann Chambers and hearing from her about her coming to work at VO. She told a story about deciding at age seven to become a lawyer for animals—that’s pretty incredible if you ask me!

We also heard from Taylor as she talked about her experiences as an undercover investigator on farms, as well as her exciting campaigns work for VO—partnering with eateries to provide vegan options.

steveann talking
VO’s Steve Ann Chambers
Taylor, Leah, and Dan
VO’s Taylor Radig with VO Supporters Leah Patriarco and Dan Pearson
Mack, Monica, and Ryan
VO Supporters Mack Freeman and Monica and Ryan Stoutenborough
Debbie, Julie, and Taylor
Animal Advocates Debbie Dysart and Julie Dubman, and VO’s Taylor Radig
Event crowd
Event Attendees Enjoying Food and Friends

I spoke at the event too, but I resisted the urge to take a selfie (you’re welcome). I shared with attendees how lucky I feel to work with people like Taylor and Steve Ann, and how proud I am to help Amy facilitate this event in our hometown with such compassionate and generous people.

Thank you for making my heart soar, St. Louis. This blog post goes out to all of our donors in remote areas and in the middle of the country. Thank you!

Grandma’s Shepherd’s Pie

By Steve Ann Chambers, VO President

This is my mom’s Shepherd’s Pie recipe that I learned to make in second grade—with hamburger and dairy back in those days. She went back to finish college and had evening classes on Wednesdays, so I was in charge of dinner. This is what I made every Wednesday! We still like it, and it’s very simple to make!

Grandma's Shepherd's Pie

Grandma’s Shepherd’s Pie

Serves 2-3.


  • 3 medium to large potatoes
  • 2 low sodium vegetable bouillon cubes
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • ¼ cup onion, diced
  • ½ package of your favorite plant-based “crumbles” (Gardein, Beyond Meat, Boca, etc.)
  • 1 can of tomato soup
  • 1 can of green beans, drained
  • 2 tablespoons vegan sour cream


  1. Peel the potatoes and put them in a pot with enough water to cover the potatoes. If you cube the potatoes, they will cook quicker.
  2. Add the bouillon cubes to the potatoes and place the pot over medium-high heat until the potatoes are fork tender. This will take 20 minutes.
  3. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
  4. While the potatoes are boiling, put the olive oil into a skillet and cook the onions until translucent.
  5. Add the crumbles, tomato soup, and green beans. Stir and heat thoroughly.
  6. When the potatoes are tender, drain them and reserve the vegetable broth in which they’ve been cooking. Mash the potatoes with whatever utensil you prefer.
  7. Add about ½ cup of the vegetable broth and sour cream to the mash potatoes. Mix until creamy. If the potatoes are too dry, add a little more broth and sour cream.
  8. Put the crumbles mixture into an approximately 8″x8″ cooking dish. Cover with the whipped potatoes and place in the oven about 25 minutes.

Video: Miyoko’s Kitchen Factory Tour

By Lori Stultz, VO Rocky Mountain Outreach Coordinator

If you like vegan cheese, brace yourself.

Vegan Outreach’s Social Media Manager, Michelle Cehn, and VO’s former Food and Lifestyle Coordinator, Toni Okamoto, are about to take us inside Miyoko Schinner’s vegan cheese factory where her delicious vegan cheeses and buttery spread are made.

Even if you’re unfamiliar with Miyoko, or haven’t had the opportunity to try her products, I suggest you check out the video! It’ll certainly leave you smiling!

After you’ve watched the video, head on over to the Miyoko’s Kitchen website and order yourself some delicious vegan cheese! You won’t be sorry you did!

And a big shout out to Miyoko for her ongoing support, and for opening up her factory doors to give us a glimpse.

More Than Just a Vegfest

By David Carter

David Carter
David Carter

The recent 3rd annual Vegan SoulFest in Baltimore, Maryland marked my first presentation at a vegfest organized specifically for people of color (POC).

My talk—Oppression in the Food System—was about how systematically underserved areas are kept subjugated through a lack of proper access to nutritious food and food education.

I’m well aware of the food oppression in the area I grew up in—Los Angeles, California. However, in order to understand what the people of Baltimore City were going through, I reached out to friend and colleague, and Baltimore resident, Brenda Sanders.

Brenda graciously sent me an essay she wrote about her work—Food Sovereignty in a Racist Food System—and she spoke with me about the current and ongoing situation in the low-income POC communities in Baltimore. I also did some research myself—and pouring over statistics and studies were the key to truly understanding the severity of the issue.

When we arrived in Baltimore a few days prior to Vegan SoulFest, I decided to use the additional time I had to get out in the neighborhood and see first hand what access to real food looks like in the city of Baltimore. This is what I found—namely, poor and low quality food of the fast and junk food variety at the local corner stores.

Baltimore Corner Store
Fast and Junk Food Found at a Baltimore Corner Store
Baltimore Corner Store
Fast Food in the Display Cases

Block after block nothing changed. In fact, it only got worse the closer I got to the low-income housing projects.

I currently have more produce in my refrigerator than most of the corner stores combined. How is this happening? How is this the reality when not too far from here children grow up without food insecurity and have the privilege of shopping at upscale grocery stores like Whole Foods Market?

Can you imagine for a minute—should you find yourself privileged enough to not be in the situation being described—walking into your local grocery store and your produce options there being comparable to what you might find at a gas station?

Children in these systematically underserved communities grow up never knowing what butternut squash is, or what an artichoke tastes like. I wasn’t sure what I’d see during my tour, but what I found was injustice.

Baltimore Corner Store
A Meager Produce Selection
Baltimore Corner Store
Junk Food Dominates the Store Aisles

When Saturday rolled around and Paige and I arrived at Vegan SoulFest, it was a sight for sore eyes. Seeing every color under the sun being represented harmoniously at one beautiful festival was unbelievably restorative for me.

Seeing a community with all the odds stacked against them still rise reminds me of a beautiful proverb I recently read—“They tried to bury us but they didn’t know we were seeds.”

The Vegan SoulFest exemplifies the resiliency that lies within all oppressed people. It’s the desire for empowerment, fellowship, and knowledge—it’s community.

I cannot thank enough Brenda Sanders and Naijha Wright-Brown—the Vegan SoulFest co-founders and co-organizers—for seeing a need in their community and having the hearts to put this life-changing and life-saving festival together. We were truly blessed by what took place at Vegan SoulFest. The spirit of those two phenomenal women is why Baltimore is beautiful.

Pumpkin Pancakes

By Lori Stultz, VO Rocky Mountain Outreach Coordinator

Pumpkin Pancakes
Photo: © Connoisseurus Veg

Keeping with the theme of breakfast—thanks, David!—today we’re serving up pancakes!

But not just any kind of pancakes—pumpkin pancakes!

If you’re mourning the end of summer like me, this recipe will help ease the change of seasons.

And if you’re happily embracing the shifting temperatures and fall-like flavors popping up in almost every kind of food you can imagine, then you’re probably going to love this recipe!

Pumpkin Pancakes

Serves about 3-4.


  • 1 ¼ cups spelt or all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon powdered ginger
  • ½ teaspoon allspice
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cloves
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ cups unflavored soy, almond, or other plant-based milk
  • ⅓ to ½ cup canned pumpkin puree
  • 2 tablespoons unsulfured molasses
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Oil, for grilling


  1. Place all ingredients, except the oil for grilling, into a blender and blend until completely smooth—about 30 seconds—stopping to scrape down the sides as needed.
  2. Lightly oil a griddle or skillet and place over medium heat. When the cooking surface is hot, drop ¼ cup of batter down. You can spread the batter out a bit by wiggling the pan around. Cook until batter begins to brown around the edges and a bubble or two forms in the center, about 4 minutes. Flip and cook about 2 minutes on opposite side. Repeat until all batter is used, adding oil to cooking surface as needed between pancakes.
  3. Enjoy with vegan butter, maple syrup, and/or cinnamon!

Recipe Tips/Variations

  • ⅓ cup of pumpkin puree will yield fluffier pancakes, but with less pumpkin flavor. ½ cup will yield moister pancakes with more pumpkin flavor.
  • If you choose to combine the ingredients by hand—instead of in a blender—the batter will mix better using only ⅓ cup of pumpkin puree.

This original recipe can be found on Connoisseurs Veg.

New VO Merch: Companion Animal Collars!

By Josie Moody, VO Office Manager

Tiger VO Collar

They say dogs are a man’s—or woman’s!—best friend, and here at Vegan Outreach we consider ourselves a best friend to animals. Our new collar combines the best of both worlds! Show your favorite furry friend how much you care about all animals by ordering one here today!

The VO collar is:

  • black synthetic webbing with woven VO logos;
  • includes side release buckle, slide adjuster, and D-ring hardware;
  • 3/4″ wide and 12″ to 20″ long (size medium);
  • made in the USA;
  • $12, plus shipping.

(A very special thanks to our adorable model, Tiger!)