Video: Festive Cheese Platter

Nothing will impress your holiday guests more than an entirely vegan cheese platter! Tune in to watch Kim Sujovolsky, founder of Brownble, demonstrate how to make a spreadable, creamy, cashew and chive cheese and that will make for a perfect holiday-themed platter!

Vegan Cheese Platter

Festive Cheese Platter

Yields 2 round cheeses.


Cheese Base

  • 1 ½ cups raw cashews, soaked in water for 4 hours or overnight
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • 1 ½ tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons, plus 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 2 tablespoons chopped chives
  • 1 ½ teaspoons agar agar powder, diluted in a bit of cold water
  • 1 tablespoon water—use only if needed to help your blender run. The less you use the better

Cheese Decorations

  • Chopped chives
  • Smashed pretzels
  • Whole pretzels—for adding on top of the cheese
  • Crushed pink peppercorns

Platter Additions

  • Fresh fruit—strawberries, raspberries, figs, grapes, etc.
  • Olives
  • Extra pretzels
  • Toast points
  • Dried fruit—apricots, dates, dried figs, etc.


  1. Drain the cashews from the soaking water and add them to a blender. If you didn’t soak the cashews ahead of time, place in a pot of boiling water for about ten minutes and drain.
  2. Add the garlic powder, salt, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, and coconut oil. Blend together, scraping down the sides as needed until you have a thick cream. Depending on your blender, you may need to add a tablespoon of water to help it run.
  3. Transfer the creamy mixture to a small pot and fold in the chopped chives.
  4. Add the agar agar—diluted in a bit of cold water—to the pot and mix.
  5. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly. Let it cool slightly while you place some plastic wrap over two flat ramekins or small containers.
  6. Divide the cheese mixture between the two ramekins, placing the mixture on top of the plastic wrap. Press it down well into the ramekin with a spatula since this will be your mold. Wrap the top with the plastic wrap.
  7. Place the cheeses in the fridge for anywhere between 4 hours to 24 hours, depending on how firm you like it. It will still be a creamy cheese, but the more you leave it the more sliceable it will be. You can also increase the agar agar if you want an even firmer cheese.
  8. Right before serving your cheeses, carefully remove them from the molds by pulling a bit on the plastic wrap, and then remove the plastic.
  9. Place the extra chopped chives on a plate and carefully place the cheese over them so that they stick to the top. Turn it over and place it on your platter. Repeat the process with the second one, only this time using the crushed pretzels and smashed pink peppercorns.
  10. Stick some whole pretzels on top of the pretzel-peppercorn topped cheese for a beautiful and festive look.
  11. Add any additions you’d like to your cheese plate—from fresh fruit to different breads and toast, dried fruit, olives, etc.
  12. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

November Community Events

Last month, Vegan Outreach’s Community Events team organized some amazing events—cooking demos, dairy-free food samplings, iAnimal virtual reality viewings, presentations, and discussions. Read on for all the exciting details!

Victor Flores, VO’s Greater New Mexico Community Events Coordinator, organized an event at the U.S. Army White Sands Missile Range military base, located in the Tularosa Basin of south-central NM. During Victor’s presentation, the soldiers, staff, and a few children watched the video, Draw My Life: A Cow in Today’s Dairy Industry, which was followed by a Q & A session. “We had interesting conversations and the audience was very engaged!” said Victor.

Everyone enjoyed samples of dairy-free products from companies including Daiya Foods, Miyoko’s Kitchen, Follow Your Heart, and several more! Victor and the awesome volunteers will definitely be back soon!

VF_White Sands Missle Dairy Free1

Roopashree Rao, VO’s Indian American Community Events Coordinator, and volunteers, took part in the 2017 Dallas Diwali Mela festival, which celebrates the Hindu Festival of Lights. This is one of the largest Hindu festivals in the U.S., drawing over 60,000 people, most of whom are Indian Americans.

Roopashree handed out VO booklets, food samples, and participated in many conversations about a compassionate lifestyle. Commenting on the event, Roopashree said, “It was BIG, and I just wish I had had even more volunteers!”

RR_Dallas Diwali Festival2

RR_Dallas Diwali Festival

RR_Dallas Diwali Festival 3

VO’s Greater NYC Community Events Coordinator, Nzinga Young, teamed up with Chef Naliaka Wakhisi, founder of NYC Vegans of Color Meetup group, and organized several hands-on cooking classes at the Brownsville Recreation Center in Brooklyn, NY. Several elementary and middle school students attended.

Nzinga stated, “The curried kale and chickpea tacos were a huge hit among students and staff alike. Kids who were wary about cooking kale were eating it raw midway through class.” Nzinga plans to continue her cooking classes at the Brownsville Recreation Center after the holiday break.

NY_Marinate Kids at Brooklyn 2

Gwenna Hunter, VO’s Greater Los Angeles Community Events Coordinator, teamed up with VO’s Director of Outreach, Vic Sjodin, inviting pedestrians at Venice Beach to take a peek into the lives of factory farm animals via iAnimal virtual reality.

Gwenna re-told a particularly moving interaction from this day of outreach—“It was so powerful. One of our viewers, Corey (pictured below, middle), was initially laughing. I could see his demeanor and energy shifting after a couple of minutes into the experience. After he was done, Corey explained how he had no awareness of the cruelty these animals had to endure.”

The Community Events team certainly had a jam-packed outreach schedule in November, and the team is looking forward to December as we hit the ground running with more outreach opportunities!

Top Leafleters of Fall 2017—Part II

As the Outreach Coordinators’ leafleting tours come to an end, we’d like to acknowledge this semester’s most prolific leafleters of Vegan Outreach’s Adopt a College Program.

We’ve asked each of the top leafleters to share their favorite memory from this past semester—their stories will surely leave you feeling inspired!

If you missed Part I of this two-part series, get caught up here.

Alexis Clark, Outreach Coordinator

Top Leafleter_Alexis Clark_Fall 2017

“The memory that really sticks out for me this semester was leafleting Onondaga Community College in Syracuse, NY. Not only was everyone incredibly friendly, but they were so interested in learning more about speciesism and veganism in general.

I had several engaging and unforgettable conversations with students, including one student I’m still in contact with today. I’ve given him a ton of resources, social media pages to follow, recipes, etc. He’s working on his full transition to vegan living!”

Alexis leafleted at 63 schools this semester and distributed 41,685 leaflets.

Jevranne Martel, Outreach Coordinator

Top Leafleter_Jev Martel_Fall 2017

“One memory that stands out was an interaction I recently had on Prince Edward Island. When I arrived in Charlottetown, I headed downtown to do outreach. I handed information to two younger gentlemen who quickly turned around to ask for more information. They were really excited to see activism happening on the island because they’d been learning more about these issues.

One of them not only wanted to go fully vegan but also wanted to get more involved and do activism. We had a wonderful, detailed conversation. I’m certain he will be an amazing activist for the animals!”

Jevranne leafleted at 58 schools this semester and distributed 32,695 leaflets.

Rachel Shippee, Outreach Coordinator

Iowa Fall 2017

“My favorite memory is from the first day of the semester when I leafleted at the University of Iowa. I met a student, Breanna, who stopped to let me know she went vegan after receiving a Vegan Outreach booklet last year. We also had a great team of volunteers that day and handed out over 4,000 leaflets! It was a great start to the semester.”

Rachel leafleted at 33 schools this semester and distributed 39,499 leaflets.

Sam Tucker, Australia Outreach Coordinator

Top Leafleter_Sam Tucker_Fall 2017

“My favorite day of outreach this semester was at Victoria University, in Melbourne, Australia. Vegan Outreach, Animal Activist Collective, and Truth Riders all worked together to support the launch of the Victoria University Vegans club.

We handed out 1,100 leaflets and about 30 people watched Animal Equality’s iAnimal Virtual Reality. We showed videos on TV screens, wrote chalk messages, plastered the campus with posters, fed countless students delicious vegan food, had in-depth conversations about reducing consumption of animal foods, and nearly 100 people signed up to join the new vegan club on campus!”

Sam leafleted at 34 schools this semester and distributed 55,723 leaflets.

A huge congratulations to these Outreach Coordinators and those highlighted in Part I.

And a big thank you to all of Vegan Outreach’s supporters—who directly fuel our work—Outreach Coordinators, and volunteers! Because of you, many animals will be spared a life of suffering.

Donate in honor of a leafleter today to keep their work going.

Choose a leafleter and donate now!


Kite Hill’s Almond Milk Yogurt Tubes

Review by Lori Stultz, Communications Manager

If you were a kid in the late 90s and early 2000s—or a parent to young children during this time period—you probably remember when Yoplait’s Go-Gurt made its way into grocery stores and quickly became all the craze and hype. As a kid who didn’t know what goes on in the dairy industry, I thought tubed yogurt was pretty darn cool. It required no utensils, and it gave kids a perfectly valid excuse to slurp their food.

I admittedly ate this kid-marketed snack all the way through high school. And even as a five-year vegan, I still feel a sense of nostalgia whenever I see tubed yogurt. Not nostalgic for the taste, but for the memories of childhood it brings to mind.

I didn’t anticipate eating a tubed yogurt again simply because there wasn’t a vegan version. But last week, as I was scanning the non-dairy yogurt section at a nearby natural food store, I laid eyes on one of Kite Hill’s newest products, Almond Milk Yogurt Tubes. Yes, you read that right. Vegan tubed yogurt.

After picking up the remaining items on my list, I gleefully drove myself home, marched my adult self up to my apartment, and enjoyed a delicious Wild Berry yogurt tube. The yogurt was deliciously creamy, but not-too-sweet. I finished with a smile and a slurp, of course.


If you want to join me in the happiness of eating vegan tubed yogurt, head on over to Kite Hill’s website to see where you can buy a box. And while you’re there, check out the other new products Kite Hill has recently released, including Greek-Style and drinkable yogurts.

Brownie Batter Not For Puppies Chow

By Lori Stultz, Communications Manager

D's Naturals

A few weeks ago, I received an email from D’s Naturals, makers of the delicious No Cow Bar and Fluffbutter. I didn’t even have to read the entire email asking if I’d like to review the products before a wave of nostalgia rushed over me.

In the fall of 2015 and spring of 2016, I toured a good portion of the country for Vegan Outreach as an Outreach Coordinator—leafleting dozens of college campuses. And during those wonderful eight or nine months, I frequently had a box of No Cow Bars in my car. They were the perfect pick-me-up snack as I was doing outreach or driving from one city to the next.

At the time, D’s Naturals only offered a few bar flavors—Mint Cacao Chip was my fav—so I was surprised to see that they now offer eight No Cow Bar flavors in addition to an entirely new product, Fluffbutter. D’s Naturals kindly offered to send me samples of their products, so I had the opportunity to try their new Dark Raspberry Chocolate and Chocolate Banana Bread bars. I also tried the Brownie Batter Almond Fluffbutter.

The bars were as good as I remembered, but the star of the show was definitely the Fluffbutter. I used my Brownie Batter Fluffbutter on toast topped with sliced bananas, and I also drizzled a few tablespoons over my morning smoothie bowl. The most unique way I used the Fluffbutter, though, was swapping out peanut butter for Brownie Batter Fluffbutter when I made a delicious batch of Puppy Chow (a.k.a Muddy Buddies)*.

Don’t wait to get yourself a jar—or two or three—of every flavor of Fluffbutter. I also highly recommend you get yourself a few different kinds of No Cow Bars! All bars and Fluffbutters are vegan, offer a great source of fiber, and are jam packed with protein—20g per bar and 11g per serving of Fluffbutter.

Visit D’s Naturals website to try their products! And after you received your jars of Fluffbutter, give the following recipe a try!

*Despite what the name suggests, Puppy Chow is a treat only to be enjoyed by humans—dogs should not eat chocolate. This is why I’ve re-named the recipe.

Brownie Batter Puppy Chow

Brownie Batter Not For Puppies Chow

Yields 6 servings.


  • 6 cups Chex cereal—rice or corn
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 1 cup dairy-free chocolate chips
  • ½ cup D’s Naturals Brownie Batter Almond Butter
  • 1 cup shredded coconut
  • ⅔ cups mixed nuts, optional


  1. Add the cereal to a large bowl and set aside.
  2. Measure powdered sugar into a gallon-sized Ziploc bag and set aside.
  3. In a small saucepan, melt almond butter and ½ cup chocolate chips over low heat.
  4. Pour melted chocolate mixture over cereal and stir with a large spoon until evenly coated.
  5. Place chocolate covered cereal in Ziploc bag, close tightly, and shake bag until cereal is evenly coated with powdered sugar.
  6. Spread cereal on wax paper and let cool for one hour.
  7. Place the cooled cereal back in the bag and add coconut, remaining chocolate chips, and nuts (if using). Close bag tightly and shake. Enjoy!

This recipe was adapted from Justin’s Almond Coco-Nutty Buddies.

Holiday Cookie Roundup

During the holiday season, there’s never a shortage of events where delicious holiday-themed cookies take front and center stage. Like that upcoming holiday cookie exchange, or annual office Christmas party.

Or maybe there’s no occasion and you just want a few—ahem, or a couple dozen—delicious holiday cookies at home to enjoy all by yourself! Whatever your holiday cookie needs may be, we’ve got some tasty recommendations for you!

Vegan Eggnog Cookies

Vegan Eggnog Cookies

Yes, vegan frosted Eggnog Cookies are a thing. Thank you, Rabbit and Wolves.

Soft Pumpkin Ginger Snaps

Soft Pumpkin Ginger Cookies

Move over commercially-made, bagged Ginger Snaps. Here’s a pumpkiny, soft version that’s sure to win out any ginger snap-lover’s taste buds! Try Vegan Richa’s Soft Pumpkin Ginger Snaps.

Salty Sweet Toffee Cookies with Dark Chocolate Glaze and Candied Pecans

salty sweet toffee cookies with dark chocolate and candied pecans

If the name of this blog—How to Philosophize with Cake—doesn’t peak your curiosity, I think this Salty Sweet Toffee Cookies with Dark Chocolate Glaze and Candied Pecans recipe will!

Gingerbread Man Cookies

Gingerbread Man Cookies

What’s a holiday gathering without eating a traditional gingerbread cookie? Here’s a great go-to Gingerbread Man Cookies recipe by Sweet Potato Soul.

Perfect Vegan Sugar Cookies

Perfect Vegan Sugar Cookies

We’ll wrap things up with another traditional cookie—It Doesn’t Taste Like Chicken’s Perfect Vegan Sugar Cookies. And everyone knows that the real fun starts when the frosting and decorations come out!

Is your favorite vegan holiday cookie not mentioned here? Leave us a comment and tell us what cookie suits your holiday fancy!

Happy cookie-making!

Free Bilingual Vegan Parenting Magazine


Attention vegan parents! In just a few short days, you’ll have access to a great new resource on vegan parenting—a free digital magazine!

This project was initiated by our friends behind the website Raise Vegan and will cover everything from planning for children, conception, how to handle skeptical family members, delicious recipes, and printable charts with nutritional information.

The first issue of the Raise Vegan magazine is set to release on December 15 and will be published in Spanish and English. By the end of 2018, the magazine will be in multiple languages.

Sign-up to receive the magazine by subscribing here.

If you’re a vegan parent raising vegan children and you’re interested in contributing to the magazine, email Tianna to see how you can get involved!

Winter Jam Leafleters Needed!


You can both liberate animals and earn $25 per hour for your favorite animal charity by helping the Christian Vegetarian Association (CVA) leaflet a Winter Jam concert in your area.

Winter Jam is a traveling Christian concert festival that attracts thousands of young people to each event. It runs from January 5–March 31.

Peak leafleting time is from 5–7 pm.

The CVA will provide you with their Christian-oriented booklet, Joyful, Compassionate Eating and guidance. In exchange for leafleting, they’ll donate to the animal charity of your choice!

The audience is mostly young, very polite, and receptive to our message—and you don’t need to be Christian yourself!

Please check out the list of the Midwest and East dates (also listed below)—with the West Coast dates coming soon!—on the Winter Jam website.

To get involved, contact Lorena at [email protected].

Thank you!

Winter Jam Dates — Midwest and East

JAN 5, 2018 — Charleston, WV — Charleston Civic Center
JAN 6, 2018 — Louisville, KY — Freedom Hall
JAN 7, 2018 — Grand Rapids, MI — Van Andel Arena
JAN 12, 2018 — Jacksonville, FL — Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
JAN 13, 2018 — Tampa, FL — Amalie Arena
JAN 14, 2018 — Sunrise, FL — BB&T Center
JAN 18, 2018 — Reading, PA — Santander Arena
JAN 19, 2018 — State College, PA — Bryce Jordan Center
JAN 20, 2018 — Columbus, OH — Schottenstein Center
JAN 21, 2018 — Charlotte, NC — Spectrum Center
JAN 25, 2018 — Springfield, MO — JQH Arena
JAN 26, 2018 — Des Moines, IA — Wells Fargo Arena
JAN 27, 2018 — St. Louis, MO — Scottrade Center
JAN 28, 2018 — Tulsa, OK — BOK Center
FEB 1, 2018 — Mobile, AL — Mitchell Center
FEB 2, 2018 — Nashville, TN — Bridgestone Arena
FEB 3, 2018 — Atlanta, GA — Philips Arena
FEB 8, 2018 — Ft. Wayne, IN — Allen County War Memorial Coliseum
FEB 9, 2018 — Cleveland, OH — Wolstein Center
FEB 10, 2018 — Indianapolis, IN — Bankers Life Fieldhouse
FEB 11, 2018 — Detroit, MI — Little Caesars Arena
FEB 15, 2018 — Evansville, IN — The Ford Center
FEB 16, 2018 — Pittsburgh, PA — PPG Paints Arena
FEB 17, 2018 — Cincinnati, OH — U.S. Bank Arena
FEB 18, 2018 — Birmingham, AL — Legacy Arena at the BJCC
FEB 22, 2018 — Tupelo, MS — BancorpSouth Arena
FEB 23, 2018 — Knoxville, TN — Thompson-Boling Arena
FEB 24, 2018 — Greensboro, NC — Greensboro Coliseum
FEB 25, 2018 — Chattanooga, TN — McKenzie Arena
MAR 2, 2018 — New Orleans, LA — Lakefront Arena
MAR 3, 2018 — Memphis, TN — FedExForum
MAR 4, 2018 — Houston, TX — Toyota Center
MAR 9, 2018 — Wichita, KS — INTRUST Bank Arena
MAR 10, 2018 — Bossier City, LA — CenturyLink Center
MAR 11, 2018 — N. Little Rock, AR — Verizon Arena
MAR 15, 2018 — Council Bluffs, IA — Mid-America Center
MAR 16, 2018 — Kansas City, MO — Sprint Center
MAR 17, 2018 — Oklahoma City, OK — Chesapeake Energy Arena
MAR 18, 2018 — Ft. Worth, TX — Ft. Worth Convention Center
MAR 22, 2018 — Augusta, GA — James Brown Arena
MAR 23, 2018 — Columbia, SC — Colonial Life Arena
MAR 24, 2018 — Raleigh, NC — PNC Arena
MAR 25, 2018 — Greenville, SC — Bon Secours Wellness Arena
MAR 29, 2018 — Peoria, IL — Peoria Civic Center
MAR 30, 2018 — Chicago, IL — Allstate Arena
MAR 31, 2018 — Lexington, KY — Rupp Arena

What is Speciesism

This fall, Vegan Outreach released it’s newest booklet, What is Speciesism. We’ve received positive feedback from our Outreach Coordinators about the impact this particular leaflet is making on college campuses across the country.

Are you familiar with the term? Check out this 60-second video produced by VO supporter, Eric Day, to get a brief overview.

Speciesism Screen Shot

Will you help us make speciesism a well-known concept? Share Eric’s video on social media and order VO’s What is Speciesism booklet online—grab a few friends and leaflet in a public place where open-minded people roam.