The Ultimate Thanksgiving Menu

Being vegan doesn’t mean giving up the Thanksgiving foods you once loved. On the contrary, it’s a great opportunity to introduce delicious vegan dishes to your friends and family and create new animal-friendly traditions!

We’ve scoured the depths of the internet to bring you recipes for the perfect Thanksgiving dinner. Use it thelp you with your holiday meal planning!

1. Fluffy Mashed Potatoes


2. Porcini Mushroom Gravy


3. Cool Cranberry Sauce


4. Sensational Stuffing


5. Miraculous Mac n Cheese


6. Ridiculously-good Rolls


7. Sweet Potato Casserole


8. Green Bean Casserole


9. Holiday Roast! Also check out Tofurky and Field Roast’s holiday options.


10. Last, but not least: Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie


What are some of YOUR cruelty-free Thanksgiving traditions?

Success—Piola Adds Vegan Cheese to 10 Locations!

Piola adds vegan cheese

Vegan Outreach is thrilled to announce that we worked with international pizza chain—Piola—to add Follow Your Heart’s Mozzarella Cheese to the menu at ten of their US locations.

With Piola’s large global presence, we hope this change will send an important message to other chain restaurants—cheeseless pizza is a thing of the past for dairy-free diners. The demand for vegan options is booming, and thankfully Piola was in full agreement when we approached their corporate team.

We know their vegan and dairy-free customers are excited for this change, and we’re confident the option will be successful.

The vegan cheese is available at the following locations:

Florida Texas
Piola Weston
Piola Brickell
Piola Hallandale
Piola South Beach
Piola Doral
Piola Pinecrest
Piola Memorial
Piola Midtown
Virginia North Carolina
Piola Arlington Piola Raleigh

7 Cruelty-Free Thanksgiving Centerpieces

Looking for a fun and festive cruelty-free centerpiece for Thanksgiving? Try one of these great ideas to pay tribute to beautiful turkeys!


Hummus platter with bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage and celery. Recipe here. 


This platter is one I’ve admired since it was created a few years ago! [Source]

Turkey (6 of 1)-2

Vegetable platter with cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers and lettuce. [Source]


Veggie packed platter! [source]


Full of fruit platter! [source]


Perfect for the kids table: [source]


A mix of fruits and veggies platter: [source]

Move Over, Pumpkin Pie

Are you looking to shake up the traditional Thanksgiving dessert this year? If you are, you’ve come to the right place!

End your holiday meal with one—or all—of these seasonal desserts! We bet your friends and family won’t even miss the pumpkin pie!

Gooey Pumpkin Spice Latte Chocolate Pudding Cake


Get you and your guests’ chocolate craving met with Oh She Glows’ Gooey Pumpkin Spice Latte Chocolate Pudding Cake.

Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie


The adults at your Thanksgiving party will be asking for seconds—possibly thirds—of May I Have That Recipe? Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie.

Sweet Potato Pecan Crumb Cake


All you sweet potato fans, get excited for Vegan Richa‘s Sweet Potato Pecan Crumb Cake.

Apple Cider Cupcakes


Sweet Potato Soul has creatively transformed a warm, holiday beverage into a cupcake! Give these Apple Cider Cupcakes a try—they’re sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Cranberry and Pumpkin Breakfast Loaf


A slice of sweet bread and a cup of coffee is a great way to round off a meal—try The Vegan Cookie Fairy‘s Cranberry and Pumpkin Breakfast Loaf! You won’t be disappointed.

From everyone at Vegan Outreach, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Being Vegan in the Dorms

If you’ve followed Vegan Outreach for very long, then you’re aware that our main focus is passing out leaflets about veganism and factory farming, primarily to college students. This is a great demographic to leaflet to, because often they are in a stage where they are open to new ideas and information. Our How Do You Vegan? series is designed to show you how you can go vegan after you’ve learned why you should go vegan.  Ahnika Leroy shares her insights as a college student who went vegan while living in the dorms, and how you can too! Thank you, Ahnika!


By Ahnika Leroy, Vegan College Student

Deciding to become vegan may initially seem like a difficult transition, especially if you are a student living in the dorms. I am a sophomore studying at the University of Colorado–Boulder, and I have been vegan for about a year. After I came to college, I realized that I had control over what type of person I wanted to be. In high school, I was an on-again, off-again vegetarian. I didn’t think being vegan could ever work for me because I was under the false impression that vegans couldn’t eat anything. That changed after one of my friends became vegan and shared his experiences with me. After that, I knew it could be done.

I decided to look further into the meat, dairy, and egg industries, and after learning the truth about what goes on, I concluded that becoming vegan was the best thing I could do. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I feel happy, healthy, and full of energy. Before, my meals made me feel sluggish and bloated–my body needed a change for both the sake of my education, and the sake of my heart.

When I decided to make the transition, I was living in the dorms. My roommates were skeptical that I’d be able to find food on campus and frankly so was I. To our surprise there were many vegan options in the dining halls and ways to make almost every food vegan. My transition was gradual. I didn’t see it as if I were cutting things out, I saw it as upgrading my diet with better and healthier alternatives. It was pretty easy because I didn’t limit my diet, I expanded it. After the transition was complete, I felt fantastic! My skin cleared up, my stomach hurt less, and I felt cleaner and lighter.

I still live in the dorms, and it is a beautiful environment with an incredible community. There is a community kitchen, and I sometimes cook for special events and dinner. One of my favorite vegan recipes is this Vegan Mac n’ Cheese [pictured below]. It is easy and fast and everyone that tries it loves it! It is a wonderful way to help spread awareness and change any misconceptions about vegan food. There is also a club at my school to help spread awareness about being vegan. I am so lucky to have friends within the Vegan Justice League here at CU. They host various outreach events as well as promote local and national animal liberation movements, and these are often a great opportunity to get together and cook as well as be part of a community of like-minded people.


Sometimes it isn’t always rainbows and sunshine–one of the hardest parts of being vegan for me is not always being able to eat at special events in the dorms or even outings with friends. Sometimes I feel excluded because food is such a huge part of any culture, and not being able to connect with people during a dinner or a BBQ can sometimes be discouraging.

However, there are ways to help bring vegan options to light. During barbecues or potlucks, I bring vegan options (yummier options!) to share. For events held in our dorm, I talk to whoever is in charge and ask if there will be plant-based options. If there are none, I offer suggestions because most people don’t know where to start when planning for a vegan option, and that’s okay! It’s a great opportunity for me to teach others about vegan food.

A common misconception about a vegan diet is that it only consists of salad and hummus. This couldn’t be any further from the truth. To be honest we eat like normal people, we just have cruelty-free substitutes.

In an average week, more than 2/3rds of my meals come from our dining halls. Here are some examples of what I’ll eat on any given day.



Tofu scramble with extra veggies and hash browns

Fruit and granola with soy or almond milk and toast smothered in jam

Lunch or Dinner

Veggie burger with fries and a salad

Vegan burrito with extra guacamole and veggies

Hummus, tomato, and spinach panini sandwich

Saffron rice, tomato cucumber salad with hearty greens

Asian vegetable stir-fry with brown rice

Pasta and vegetable stir-fry with a quinoa and baby kale salad


On the weekends I tend to eat out. My favorite local vegan-friendly spots in Boulder are Native Foods, Lyfe Kitchen, and Leaf. Don’t let those names fool you, there are more than salads and juices being served. My favorite item from Native Foods is their Chick’n Bacon Avocado Club. Lyfe Kitchen has a wonderful black bean veggie burger, and Leaf has a chocolate peanut butter cheesecake to die for!

Overall, my experience living in the dorms and being vegan is and has been wonderful. The trick is to eat smarter, not harder. Many things are already vegan, or can be altered to be vegan. I urge anyone who is thinking about becoming vegan but is unsure if they can because they are in the dorms, to go for it! The habits we create now will impact us for the rest of our lives. What type of person do you want to be?

Small Town Vegans

By Lauren Sprang, Board of Directors Secretary


My heart is happy. But this isn’t about me. Or at least, not just me.

It’s also about Kristin Van Epps. I met Kristin through Vegan Outreach’s Vegan Mentor Program. She’s a working mom who owns a house, has pets, and lives with family members who eat meat.

Many people can relate to her situation—you’re interested in going vegan, but you don’t have the time or money to research veganism at Whole Foods.

Vegans often live in cities where options are plentiful and veg friends are common. My husband and I live in rural central Oregon. It’s beautiful, but it’s not the vegan mecca you’ll find 150 miles over the Cascade Mountains in Portland, OR. Touristy Bend, OR has a small, but awesome vegan community, upscale grocery stores, and a couple of vegan restaurants. Kristin lives 25 minutes away in a smaller town with fewer vegan options.

Kristin had been vegetarian on and off, but the transition to vegan was more of a challenge, especially giving up cheese. The vegan cheeses and meats that help many people transition are expensive and hit-or-miss in these smaller towns. And making these kinds of alternatives at home is a skill that can seem daunting, especially if you don’t already cook.

Last spring, Kristin and I exchanged a few emails about recipes and common obstacles to going vegan. I could tell that she had plenty of creativity and persistence to make veganism work for her. When we met up for coffee, I brought some veggie cheeses, meats, and milks so she could try a selection without having to drive around, searching grocery store shelves and making decisions about what to try.

Kristin reported success with some of the items, and started figuring out more satisfying recipes on her own. By the holidays she was ready to make the side dishes vegan, and her family loved them! She says she feels healthier and her family has learned that they can eat delicious food, not just steamed vegetables. No offense to steamed vegetables, but there’s so much more available.

If you’re curious about going veg, I encourage you to sign up for Vegan Outreach’s Vegan Mentor Program. There are lots of mentors out there waiting to help you make the switch!

Vegan Outreach understands that change is hard, but going through changes with supportive people can make all the difference!

“I have been doing so well with my new eating habits, healthy lifestyle, new outlook on life. There are endless possibilities for what I can eat, and even quite a few restaurants that have vegan options! Who knew?! It’s wonderful!” — Kristin Van Epps

Eggnog Cookie Sandwiches

By John Deetjen, Outreach Coordinator

Eggnog Sugar Cookie 3

One of the best things about the holidays is the holiday-themed cookies. Growing up, I always enjoyed dipping cookies in a cold glass of eggnog. Something about the sugariness of the cookies and the creamy, spicy flavor of the eggnog is such a great combination and always reminds me of the winter holidays.

Flash forward several years, I still enjoying this holiday treat as a vegan, thanks to companies like So Delicious who makes delicious plant-based eggnog.

This recipe is one my wife, Sam, came up with. It’s an upgrade on the cookies and eggnog concept, but made into a sandwich with two buttery shortbread cookies and a creamy eggnog cheesecake filling that’s sure to bring joy to your world these winter months!

Eggnog Sugar Cookie 2

Eggnog Sugar Cookie 1

Shortbread Cookies

Yields 10 cookie sandwiches


  • 2 ¼ cups flour
  • ⅓ cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Dash of salt
  • ½ cup vegan butter—more if needed, see instructions
  • ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Sprinkles—optional

Eggnog Cheesecake Filling

  • 1 container plain vegan cream cheese—we used Daiya
  • ¼ cup vegan eggnog—we used So Delicious
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg


  1. Preheat oven to 310℉.
  2. In a large bowl, mix together dry ingredients.
  3. Using a fork, add vegan butter and vanilla extract. Cut the butter into the dry ingredients.
  4. Mix ingredients into a ball of dough using your hands. Add 1 tablespoon butter at a time if still crumbly.
  5. Roll ball of dough into a sheet about ⅛ inch high. Use cookie cutters to cut shapes. Alternatively, shape cookies with hands for a rustic look.
  6. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper, place cookies on the cookie sheet, and bake for 15-20 minutes.
  7. While the cookies are baking, combine all cheesecake filling ingredients and whisk thoroughly.
  8. When done baking, remove the cookies from the oven. Let cool until firm enough to handle.
  9. With a butter knife, spread the filling on a cookie and put another cookie on top. Put in refrigerator to cool for at least one hour.
  10. Enjoy alone or dunk them into a glass of non-dairy eggnog or milk.

Mythology Diner

By John Deetjen, Outreach Coordinator

Myth Diner

It’s freezing cold and snowing in Toronto, Canada, yet a crowd is gathered outside of a new restaurant waiting to be seated. This restaurant is called Mythology Diner, and it’s the latest creation of Toronto-based, vegan chef Doug McNish and The 5700 Inc.

Mythology Diner is the city’s first all-vegan, late-night diner, and it bills itself as, “The Classics, Veganized.” Through a series of teasing posts on their social media accounts and news coverage from Toronto news outlets, the city’s foodies—vegan and non-vegans alike—were abuzz with excitement to try this new restaurant.

The location is right in the heart of Parkdale, which has been nicknamed “Vegandale” because of how vegan friendly the neighborhood has become. The 36-seat restaurant has everything you could want in a diner—an enticing menu, a sizable bar, funky artwork, and a warm ambiance. A DJ played hip-hop music to the packed restaurant of patrons enjoying their plant-based creations. It wasn’t surprising that we had to wait for almost an hour to be seated.

Myth Diner

The menu is exactly what the restaurant advertises—veganized classics. Appetizers include wings, poutine, and garlic bread. Main course options include meaty sandwiches, mac and cheese, and Salisbury-style steak.

After much consideration of what to order, we decided to order french onion soup, cheesy garlic bread, and “The Bloomer”—a breaded Vidalia onion with chipotle sauce. We also ordered the “Classic Burger,” cinnamon bun pancakes, and a root beer float for dessert!

The french onion soup was hot, had great flavor, and was topped with two pieces of bread with vegan mozzarella melted on top. It was the perfect appetizer for a snowy Canada night!

The garlic bread was soft and covered with the restaurant’s house-made, cashew-based cheese and topped with colorful, edible flower petals!

The Bloomer was amazing! I’ve never tasted anything quite like it. Fried, perfectly crispy, and paired with a creamy chipotle sauce—it’s a match made in vegan food heaven!

The Classic Burger was fantastic. The mushroom tempeh patty was grilled crispy and topped with maple chipotle barbecue sauce, caramelized onions, and shaved pickles.

Garlic Bread
Fench Onion Soup
The Bloomer

My wife and I both agreed that our favorite dish was the cinnamon bun pancakes. They were topped with cinnamon sugar swirl and cream cheese frosting, accompanied by house-made cashew butter, maple syrup, and tempeh bacon.

The root beer float was a delicious, sweet, and bubbly treat to round out our meal. It was topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream made from tiger nuts.

The Classic Burger
Cinnamon Bun Pancakes
Root Beer Float

Mythology Diner is busting every myth that you can imagine about vegan food, and it joins Toronto’s massive and growing vegan restaurant scene as a true creative gem! If you’re ever in the area, it’s a restaurant you’re not going to want to miss.

Vegan Inreach!

Helping Vegetarians and Vegans Sustain Their Choices

Hi! My name is Brian Ottens and I’m honored to be today’s VO guest blogger. Thanks for checking out this piece about vegetarian retention and recidivism.

My daughter and me, celebrating meeting our 2013 Team Vegan goal.

The Situation

I went vegetarian almost 20 years ago and took out the eggs and dairy 14 years ago. Like so many, my heart is in the farm animal advocacy movement, but my employment isn’t directly related to it. So throughout those 14 years, I’ve volunteered with VO and have been fortunate to find a group of friends who are also veg. The social connections, both in-person and remote, are the primary reason I remain veg and in the movement. Thank you friends!

An after dinner photo with an extraordinary group. Having dinner is one of my favorite forms of socializing, and is so easy. Maybe you have a veg-friendly restaurant that others would appreciate an introduction to?
An after dinner photo with an extraordinary group. Having dinner is one of my favorite forms of socializing, and is so easy. Maybe you have a veg-friendly restaurant that others would appreciate an introduction to? 

But for most vegetarians and vegans (current and former), I suspect having good veg social connections is the exception, not the rule. And veg recidivism, a regression from making the best choices you can for animals, is rather high–a 2014 survey found there are five times as many former vegetarians and vegans in the population as current ones.

The research group Faunalytics estimates a random sample of 100 people would have 10 former vegetarians or vegans, 2 current ones, and the remainder (88) never veg. (Faunalytics)
Faunalytics estimates a random sample of 100 people would have 2 current vegetarians or vegans but 10 former ones.

But you can help. Because humans are heavily influenced by our friends and environment, you can be a positive influence to help current vegetarians and vegans sustain their lifestyle as an effective complement to recruiting new vegetarians and vegans.

Influence Others to Remain Veg!

Research has shown that it’s important for vegetarians and vegans to make social connections and make the lifestyle part of one’s identity. This means you can do a lot to prevent recidivism by connecting with vegetarian or vegan acquaintances. Whether they be be co-workers, neighbors, fellow churchgoers, classmates, or sports teammates, you have a unique connection to them, so develop that connection into a social one.

Whenever you meet someone who is vegetarian or vegan, see if they have other connections with you. Maybe you have friends in common? Maybe you like the same restaurants? Maybe you enjoy cooking a similar cuisine at home?

A veg co-worker and I staff the registration table at a Servathon volunteer event in Washington DC. From dining to recreation, almost any activity is an opportunity to be social.

Of course there’s plenty of non-veg things that could be a social connection – humor, recreation, worldview, etc. The point here is to find ways to make social connections in order to fight veg recidivism. You don’t have to change their views or diet–they’re already veg. You’re just making a friend. Can it get any easier?

What Opportunities Work For Me?

I work for a large employer and I use that opportunity to develop a community of vegetarians, vegans, and veg-minded coworkers. Every month or two, I arrange a meet-up. It can be lunch at a veg-friendly restaurant, an invitation to the local vegfest, or another common interest. Sometimes a lot of people show up and other times only a few. But there’s always good conversation because we have an important connection. My veg co-worker group currently has ten members, so I’m not talking about major organizing. Scale it to as many or as few as you’d like.

A social connection happens whether they attend or just read my invitation and decline. Tip: My invitation is usually personalized with more than just a meet-up invitation which can lead to a better response.

Some veg & veg-minded co-workers as we get ready to do a Thanksgiving morning 5k. I enjoy working out with friends who are also veg. I’m not the fastest or strongest, but try to have the funniest jokes.
Some veg and veg-minded co-workers as we get ready to do a Thanksgiving morning 5k. I enjoy working out with friends who are also veg. I’m not the fastest or strongest, but I try to have the funniest jokes.

By choosing to develop social connections with vegetarians and vegans, you’ll reinforce their habits as well as increase the overall quality of life for you both. Because there’s such a large percentage of vegetarians and vegans who cease to identify with those labels, if you influence their commitment to staying veg, you’ll be doing a great service for the animals!

Now get out there and make some friends!

Making friends is easy – ask these 3 year olds! This is my daughter and the son of another veg co-worker, taken when we were at work and our families were together.
Making friends is easy – ask these 3 year olds! This is my daughter and the son of another veg co-worker, taken when we were at work and our families were together.

Goulash with Lightlife Meatless Crumbles

By Toni Okamoto

This great recipe for Vegan Goulash comes from Vegan Outreach friend Bob German. You know a vegan lifestyle is spreading when The Salina Journal in Kansas is publishing vegan recipes!

I made it this past weekend and it was so tasty, I ate an entire pot in one day! I highly recommend it.




Cook macaroni in separate pan with water until almost tender. Brown crumbles and onion in skillet. Add cooked macaroni, tomatoes and V8 juice. Let simmer until juices are almost gone. Garnish with chili powder.

Variations: add small can tomato paste when adding tomatoes and V8 juice; add can of drained mushrooms when adding tomatoes and V8 juice.


Above is a photo of the vegan ground crumbles I used. If your local grocery store doesn’t have this brand, I also recommend Yves Meatless Ground Round Original!

Since they don’t sell V8 at Sprouts grocery store, I picked up this R.W. Knudsen Very Veggie juice instead. I followed the recipe directions and everything tasted delicious! I also added a handful of Daiya cheddar shreds when I was cooking the tomatoes, and it was a yummy extra touch.
